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I've recruited hundreds of distributors and become a top money-earner in my company using voicemail as my primary recruiting tool.
I use one-minute voicemail messages to get leads. And I use 5-minute voicemail messages ("sizzle calls") to recruit them.
In fact, I've signed up more than a few distributors using ONLY a 5-minute sizzle call.
Now, it's your turn.
This book shows you everything you need to know to use voicemail messages to build a successful network marketing business.
You'll learn how to create a simple "lead capture" voicemail message, and how to use it to get all the leads you want.
You'll learn how to create an effective "sizzle call" voicemail message and use it to recruit distributors into your business.
You'll learn how to leave a voicemail message (on a prospect's voicemail or answering machine) that gets them to call you back.
And you get SCRIPTS you can use as models for your scripts, including actual scripts I use in my business.
- How to write scripts that get prospects to say, "I'm interested-tell me more"
- How long to make your messages-what's too long? What's too short?
- Where to get a FREE voicemail account for your messages-the service I use and recommend
- The easiest, "low tech" way to record your messages
- How to PROMOTE your lead capture message-what I do and recommend (with more scripts)
- Tracking your numbers-what's a "good" response and how to make it better
- How to use sizzle calls to quickly find interested prospects-the EXACT method I use
- How to create scripts for recruiting doctors, lawyers, business owners, and other professionals
- How to get your first message set up in ONE HOUR or Less!
Voicemail messages are the ultimate lead capture and recruiting tool. They're easy to set up, easy to use, and they work like crazy.
Instead of spending hours talking to prospects and following-up with them again and again, only to find out they're not interested, voicemail messages let you find out who is (and isn't) interested in a few minutes.
If you want to recruit more, and recruit faster, you should be using voicemail messages to build your business. This book shows you how.
The book is divided into five parts:
Part 1: Lead Capture Messages: Sample scripts and step-by-step instructions for creating your own messages.
Part 2: Sizzle Calls: More scripts, and a simple way to create the ideal message for your business.
Part 3: Recording and Promoting Your Messages: How to set up your voicemail account, how to record your messages, and how to promote...
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781987490954
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 144
- Utgivningsdatum: 2018-04-14
- Förlag: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform