Return to the world of Blade Runner with this, the officially sanctioned comic book series based on the cult 1982 science fiction movie Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott. This box set collects the final three volumes in the saga of Ash, first started in Blade Runner 2019 and featuring Aahna Ash Ashina, the first female Blade Runner. LAPDs best Blade Runner and detective, Aahna Ash Ashina, has been assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Isobel and Cleo Selwyn, the wife and daughter of business tycoon, Alexander Selwyn, a close personal friend of Eldon Tyrell. Ashs search will take her on a journey from the crime-ridden underbelly of Los Angeles to the promised land of the Off-World Colonies and back home again as she uncovers a terrible secret and a desperate conspiracy that forces her to confront her own hatred for Replicants the synthetic humans that she hunts with such vengeance. This boxset collects all three volumes of Ashs third and final decade as the worlds first and greatest Blade Runner. Blade Runner 2039 vol 1. Redemption (ISBN 9781787737372) Blade Runner 2039 Vol 2. Upgrade (ISBN 9781787738454) Blade Runner 2039 Vol 3. Ash (ISBN 9781787738461) Vol 1. Sees the sins of the past catching up with ex-Blade Runner, Ash Aahna Ashina. Twenty years ago, ASH helped a young girl and her surrogate REPLICANT mother escape from the clutches of her sadistic father - the business tycoon, ALEXANDER SELWYN, to the off-world colony of Arcadia. How CLEO SELWYN has returned to Los Angeles in search of her mother, ISOBEL who she has believes is the victim of an abduction orchestrated by NIANDER WALLACE. Vol 2. Believing that Cleos DNA holds the secret of Replicant fertility, Niander Wallace has ordered his own personal Replicant assistant, LUV, the first Replicant BLADE RUNNER, to hunt her down with approval to kill any who stand in her way. Now reunited with her one-time protector and former Blade Runner AAHNA ASH ASHINA, Cleo and Ash set off on a desperate race to find her mother and escape back Off-world before Luv can find them. Vol 3. Nianders own personal assistant, Luv, has become the first Replicant to be accepted into the Blade Runner unit, but she has a secret agenda, find Cleo, the daughter of industrialist Alexander Selwyn whom Ash helped to escape 20 years earlier. Now, as Ashs past and future collide, her astonishing story finally concludes as she faces her greatest challenge yet: saving the city she loves from the insane machinations of Niander Wallace, heir of the Tyrell empire. It's up to Ash to keep the truth about the Replicant miracle (seen in Blade Runner 2049) a secret, and to fulfill the pact she made years ago to those she loves most. The future itself is at stake.
- Illustratör: Andres Guinaldo
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781787744479
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 336
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-06-03
- Förlag: Titan Comics