John, a young computer scientist with a brilliant mind, desperate for money, accepts an assignment from a mysterious client called "The Architect". Unbeknownst to him, during a sandstorm in the city of Sydney he will help an armed group carry out a kidnapping that could change the course of history. When he discovers their plans, in a desperate attempt to redeem himself, he joins forces with his enigmatic neighbor Tyler, who hides a dark and painful past. Together they will race against the clock, willing to do the impossible to stop the coup. Pau Febrer offers us an extraordinary and absorbing novel in which not everything is what it seems. Its pages, full of action, intrigue and surprising twists, will trap you until you reach the shocking denouement.
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9788410356290
- Språk: Spanska
- Antal sidor: 384
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-04-01
- Förlag: Almuzara