Stephen King's fan-favourite thriller. Also available in audio for the first time, read by Academy Award nominee James Franco. The two things that conjured up that horrible night, were his run of luck at the Wheel of Fortune, and the mask . . . Meet Johnny Smith. A young man whose streak of luck ends dramatically in a major car crash. Followed by blackness. A long, long time in cold limbo. When he wakes up life has been turned upside down. His fiance has met someone else. And Johnny is cursed with the power to perceive evil in men's souls. He's had these hunches since he had an ice-skating accident as a child. Now he has an ability to see into the future. An ability which will bring him into a terrifying confrontation with a charismatic, power-hungry and dangerous man . . .
Otäcka likheter mellan politikern Greg Stillson i Stephen Kings 80-tals-roman och USA:s president Donald Trump. Som om King förutsåg Trumps väg till makten.
I en av Kings bästa romaner råkar Johnny ut för en olycka och när han vaknar upp har fått förmågan att se in i framtiden. Visar sig vara mer en förbannelse än en gåva.
Iskall, spännande och riktigt ruggig roman som känns väldigt aktuell med tanke på vem som är världens mäktigaste man...