In a world where survival is a daily battle, humanity clings to its last strongholds against the terrifying Yaotzin-bioluminescent creatures with deadly intelligence. Axel Fernandez, a skilled but disillusioned soldier, finds himself thrust into a high-stakes mission to retrieve vital resources from the heart of enemy territory. When the operation goes catastrophically wrong, Axel makes an impossible connection with a Yaotzin matriarch, discovering a strange telepathic bond that could change the course of the war.
As trust erodes among his team and the lines blur between enemy and ally, Axel uncovers bone chilling secrets about the Yaotzin and the human factions fighting to control them. With his own life hanging by a thread, he must navigate a web of betrayal, hidden agendas, and evolving monstrosities to protect those he loves and prevent humanity's extinction.
"From Below" is a gripping sci-fi thriller that devolves into the depths of human resilience and explores the boundaries of trust in a world where monsters may not be the greatest threat. Perfect for fans of "The Last of Us" and "Annihilation", this tale is as heart-pounding as it is thought-provoking.
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9798218584597
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 168
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-02-01
- Förlag: Science Fiction