Hasta Que Caiga La Luna (Edición Limitada, Cantos Pintados) / When the Moon Hatched (Limited Edition, Sprayed Edges)
Sarah A Parker
Una aventura de fantasía épica ambientada en un mundo lleno de misteriosas criaturas, son un sistema mágico original y una historia de amor que desafía al tiempo.
«Los Creadores jamás esperaron que sus queridos dragones, al llegar su fin, ascendieran a los cielos. Tampoco que se enroscaran en forma de esfera allá donde la gravedad no podía alcanzarlos y llenaran el firmamento de tumbas... De lunas.
Y, desde luego, jamás esperaron que cayeran'.
Como asesina rebelde, el objetivo de Raeve es cumplir su misión y que jamás la atrapen. Sin embargo, cuando un cazarrecompensas rival hace añicos su realidad, la joven se ve prisionera del Gremio de Nobles, una organización de elementales poderosos que pretenden dar ejemplo con ella. Solo la muerte podrá liberarla.
Devastado por una terrible pérdida, el jinete de dragón Kaan Vaegor decapitó a un rey y se puso su corona derretida. Ahora, su búsqueda incansable para reunir fragmentos lunares lo conduce a la prisión de la ciudad, donde se topa con una Raeve encadenada, con rabia en la mirada y sangre en las manos. Juntos, deberán descubrir una verdad que amenaza con hacer que su mundo se desmorone... y ellos con él.
The bestselling phenomenon, When the Moon Hatched, is a fast-paced fantasy romance featuring an immersive, vibrant world with mysterious creatures, a unique magic system, and a love that blazes through the ages.
The Creators did not expect their beloved dragons to sail skyward upon their end. To curl into balls just beyond gravity's grip, littering the sky with tombstones. With moons. They certainly did not expect them to FALL.
As an assassin for the rebellion group Fíur du Ath, Raeve's job is to complete orders and never get caught. When a rival bounty hunter turns her world upside down, blood spills, hearts break, and Raeve finds herself imprisoned by the Guild of Nobles--a group of powerful fae who turn her into a political statement.
Crushed by the loss of his great love, Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown. Now on a tireless quest to quell the never-ebbing ache in his chest, he is lured by a clue into the capitol's high-security prison where he stumbles upon the imprisoned Raeve ...
>There's more to their story than meets the eye, but some truths are too poisonous to swallow.
""A wild ride that thrills as much as it enchants . . . This remarkable book is an instant classic." -- Thea Guanzon, New York Times bestselling author of The Hurricane Wars
"When The Moon Hatched breathes new, beautiful life into the genre, as Sarah A. Parker weaves lyrical prose with undeniable chemistry. I laughed, I cried, I got everything out of this. It's an absolutely stunning fantasy world that everyone should sink their teeth into." -- Raven Kennedy, internationally bestselling author of The Plated Prisoner series
- Format: Inbunden
- ISBN: 9788401035623
- Språk: Spanska
- Antal sidor: 672
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-07-01
- Förlag: Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A.