Title: Unbreakable Strides: The Unstoppable Journey of Jóseph El Hajj and the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights in LebanonSummary (under 1000 characters): Unbreakable Strides chronicles the remarkable life and relentless activism of Jóseph El Hajj, Lebanons pioneering LGBTQ+ advocate. From his early struggles in a conservative society to organizing protests, challenging laws, and creating safe spaces, Jósephs unwavering determination has transformed the LGBTQ+ landscape in Lebanon and inspired a global movement for equality. This gripping account exposes the obstacles faced by LGBTQ+ communities in Lebanon and offers a vision for a future free from oppression.
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781779696182
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 192
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-01-21
- Förlag: Popcorn Sandwich