Kill Train is an absurd, dystopian, battle for survival, told in real time, that takes us on a journey through one woman’s subconscious, uncovering the wounds of her past and her strength to survive...
To control the population explosion that nearly crippled the city, New York has instituted Kill Train, a randomized, extermination program where designated subway trains are picked at random, and all the passengers are slaughtered by the end of the line. In this not-so-distant future, we meet Vanessa, a struggling single mom in the midst of a nervous breakdown, who discovers that she, herself, is on a Kill Train. Now, for once in her life and with everything to prove, Vanessa decides she's not going down without a fight.
To control the population explosion that nearly crippled the city, New York has instituted Kill Train, a randomized, extermination program where designated subway trains are picked at random, and all the passengers are slaughtered by the end of the line. In this not-so-distant future, we meet Vanessa, a struggling single mom in the midst of a nervous breakdown, who discovers that she, herself, is on a Kill Train. Now, for once in her life and with everything to prove, Vanessa decides she's not going down without a fight.
- Illustratör: Martina Niosi
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9781545817827
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 120
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-08-01
- Förlag: Mad Cave Studios