In post-war Tokyo, still recovering from the devastating wartime bombing raids, a patrolling policeman passing The Black Cat Caf makes a gruesome discovery: the body of a woman, lying in a hastily dug hole, with a dead black cat by her side. The woman's face is disfigured beyond recognition, and the caf's black cat seems alive and well, so where did the two corpses come from, and why were they buried in the caf's garden? As the legendary scruffy sleuth Kosuke Kindaichi investigates, he realizes the caf's enigmatic madam, Oshima, has a past shrouded in secrecy, and what exactly is her relationship with the owner, Itoshima? To solve the mystery, Kindaichi will have to untangle a complex web of love, jealousy, and betrayal... As he races to get to the truth, he discovers that nothing at The Black Cat Caf is as it seems.
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781805335511
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 224
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-09-11
- Översättare: Bryan Karetnyk
- Förlag: Pushkin Vertigo