Nestled in the mystic corners of San Francisco, a young boy named Braydon "Bray" Font discovers that the greatest adventures unfold not in the far reaches of the world, but right in his own room. Alongside his plush companions--Jupee, the curious explorer with a crown, and Saghee, the wise sage of the skies--they embark on journeys that stretch the very fabric of reality.
In "Precipice Surfing," each chapter weaves a tale of magic and mischief where spirited beings teach Bray about the profound truths of courage, leadership, and the power of belief. From navigating the edges of their familiar territories to exploring the broader horizons of the house, Bray, Jupee, and Saghee learn that real bravery comes from being true to oneself.
Will Bray's growing understanding lead to greater discoveries about his own creative powers? Can Jupee and Saghee surf the precipices of their world without falling off the edge of Bray's imagination? Join them as they uncover that the biggest leaps often require the softest landings and that sometimes, the most significant adventures are the ones that teach us about our inner worlds.
Unlock the magic within and soar beyond the limits with Bray, Jupee, and Saghee. Where will your imagination take you?
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9798350979428
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 68
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-02-01
- Förlag: Bookbaby