'I feel the net drawing in around me even closer and closer. Dufydd has appeared suddenly in Southmouth. He will never forgive. I remember his last words to me. "Remember to come back, man, for if you do not, vengeance will follow." What did he mean by that? Who's vengeance? The communists? Or had he guessed what I was going to do?'
It was a far cry from Communist China to the peaceful village on the South Downs, but to be a self-confessed murderer, keeping his agonized diary, it could buy no peace. But then who was the writer of the diary?
It was a far cry from Communist China to the peaceful village on the South Downs, but to be a self-confessed murderer, keeping his agonized diary, it could buy no peace. But then who was the writer of the diary?
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781915530905
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 276
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-05-15
- Förlag: Galileo Publishers