The Vegas in Space. Following on from Jubilee which Publishers Weekly called ';An amusing and fast-paced saga sure to please fans of classic space opera."
Col is security chief for the artificial mini-world of JUBILEE a kind of Vegas-in-space. But his peaceful life is shattered by a surprise attack, and desperate to save his young family, he flees with an unlikely crew including ex-wife, Sana. But the League base he reaches is riven by politics and infiltrated by the enemy. Col must escape again, this time to his birth planet, where he faces long dormant personal demons. Where is Jubilee? What's happened to Col's wife and kids? How can he stop these politically incorrect feelings for Sana from bubbling up? Only the stars can tell.
FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing Independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction and fantasy. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at www.flametreepress.com and connect on social media @FlameTreePress
Col is security chief for the artificial mini-world of JUBILEE a kind of Vegas-in-space. But his peaceful life is shattered by a surprise attack, and desperate to save his young family, he flees with an unlikely crew including ex-wife, Sana. But the League base he reaches is riven by politics and infiltrated by the enemy. Col must escape again, this time to his birth planet, where he faces long dormant personal demons. Where is Jubilee? What's happened to Col's wife and kids? How can he stop these politically incorrect feelings for Sana from bubbling up? Only the stars can tell.
FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing Independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction and fantasy. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at www.flametreepress.com and connect on social media @FlameTreePress
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9781787589650
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 288
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-08-12
- Förlag: Flame Tree Publishing