Starwalker is an empowering and deeply moving musical that follows the journey of Star, an Indigi-Queer Two-Spirit drag queen whose life is transformed upon discovering the House of Borealis, a vibrant and revolutionary drag house in East Vancouver. Star's journey highlights the intersection of Two-Spirit identity and queer culture, blending Indigenous heritage with drag artistry to create an unforgettable, inspiring persona that challenges societal norms and celebrates cultural roots. At its core, Starwalker is a story of self-discovery, resilience, and community, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and love. As Star navigates their path of self-discovery, they realize that what they've been searching for is more than just a stage -- it's a home and a community where they can be fully themselves. The love story interwoven throughout highlights the beauty of embracing both romantic love and the chosen family that forms within Queer communities. Through soaring music, a heartfelt journey, and fierce drag performances, Starwalker invites audiences to embrace the beauty of living authentically and fearlessly in a world that often tries to silence those who dare to stand out.
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9781990738685
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 112
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-04-01
- Förlag: Scirocco Drama