Nio is an orphan who can't help dreaming of a better world. In this action-packed manga, he meets two men who show him how much a few swords can change history. This riveting samurai series from the acclaimed creator of Days shares its setting with Rurouni Kenshin and chronicles the founding of the Shinsengumi by handsome and volatile men fighting for justice...and for themselves!
Though a moneymaking scheme to pay for the Miburo uniforms ends up as more of a madcap misadventure than efficient fundraiser, the exercise brings the nascent group closer to their goal than ever before. And their teamwork will be put to the test soon, as the shadowy Blood Risshidan has a plot to bring disaster to Kyoto, and failing to stop them is not an option!
The action-packed samurai series from the creator of Days that inspired the hit anime, streaming now on Crunchyroll!
- Format: Häftad
- ISBN: 9798888770887
- Språk: Engelska
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-07-01
- Förlag: Kodansha Comics