One Thursday lunchtime Earth is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. For Arthur Dent, who has only just had his house demolished that morning, this is already more than he can cope with. Sadly, however, the weekend has only just begun. And the Galaxy is a very, very large and startling place indeed ... The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy became a massive cult success when it was first published and continues to sell all over the world. It introduced such memorable characters as Arthur Dent, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Zaphod Beeblebrox and, of course, the Vogons, and remains one of the funniest, most irreverent and entertaining novels ever.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series is a true masterpiece in absurd yet intelligent and strangely pleasing humor. A, once read, unforgettable classic you'll want to revisit.
Med 40 år i ryggen kan denna underbara komedi ta dem mest skeptiska mot sci-fi att älska de galna karaktärerna och den enorma kreativiteten. Med Authur Dents konstanta trötta stil, sura robotar och dörrar som njuter av att öppnas för dig kommer du aldrig att bli besviken. En favorit!
Behöver Douglas Adams en introduktion? Knappast! Denna scifi-klassiker lockar till både skratt och eftertanke. Dessutom finner du det definitiva svaret på frågan om meningen med livet i den här boken.