Japan's first modern novelan unforgettable exploration of love and desire! The Life of an Amorous Man is a groundbreaking work by Ihara Saikaku, Japan's first popular novelist. This is the only unabridged English translation of Saikaku's seminal work, which includes the 54 illustrations drawn by the author and published in the original Japanese version. The story follows Yonosuke, a passionate man whose never-ending quest for pleasure leads him from the glitzy brothels of Edo (modern-day Tokyo) and the refined courtesans of Kyoto to moonlit trysts in quiet villages in the Japanese countryside. Along the way he weaves a tapestry of fleeting affairs and forbidden romances. Brimming with scandalous encounters, witty anecdotes, and poignant reflections, Yonosuke's tale is a candid glimpse into the hedonistic world of Edo-period Japan (1680-1770), where courtesans, gamblers, and pleasure-seekers mingle in a whirlwind of indulgence. The Life of an Amorous Man is both a celebration of life and a fascinating glimpse into a vibrant, bygone era. It is a glimpse into a beautiful and bittersweet world, a mesmerizing portrait of life's most passionateand ephemeralmoments.
- Format: Pocket/Paperback
- ISBN: 9784805319857
- Språk: Engelska
- Antal sidor: 288
- Utgivningsdatum: 2025-09-30
- Översättare: Chris Drake
- Förlag: Tuttle Publishing